Sunday 22 November 2009

I have been making more of an effort to make art this week , I have had the week off work and have going to my workroom at least a couple of hours a day. Haven't known what to do but yesterday I took some of my photographs randomly and just thought about how I would paint them. It made me realise how important light is in painting. Some of my photographs were just so uninteresting. They reminded me of the place but were unusuable as primary sources.
A few rough sketches I have done recently. Gouache, watercolour , charcoal, and pen and ink.

Monday 7 September 2009

Baby Field Mice

Baby mice in the back garden.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Summer lull

It's been a while since I updated. My son's home from university and I seem to be spending more time shopping and cooking.
We got back from Norway a couple of weeks ago. Full of good intentions,did some sketching while we were travelling, but not as much as hoped.
I haven't really been making much artwork , but last week I reorganized my workroom
and it feels much better. I've got three days off work now so I am going to get in there. When we were away we went to the Munch Museum in Oslo. I have seem The Scream.
When we came out my husband said where was the Scream, Men!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Art Exhibtion

well the art exhibition was two days ago and I sold my coloured pencil painting.
I also sold a watercolour as well.

I've spent the past couple of days sort out my workroom and trying to get the hang of Photoshop.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Still Life

I'm hoping to take part in a group exhibition next month.
This coloured pencil still life is what I hope to enter. It's on Fisher 400
sanded paper. Using Prismacolor, Polychromos, Van Gogh and Luminance coloured
pencils. I've still got a bit of work to do on it. Correcting ellipses and refining edges as well as completing the background.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Like all art driven folk I have too many supplies. I have been thinking back over the craft and are techniques I done over my life. When I was in primary school I remember have a tiny business sewing and selling mini gonks for sixpence. That must have been in the sixties.When I went to school we were (the girls) taught how to knit and how to sew. Boys were taught The only thing I remember knitting was a fluffy , pale pink pot holder. We started doing hand sewing I seem to remember making an apron decorated with cross stitch and running stitch. Secondary school no knitting but we moved on sewing with machines, treadle at first then electric. I sewed a blouse with a high collar and elaborate frilled jabot.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Drawing trees

Went to art class tonight we are still drawing trees, we get to use paint when we have been very good. Looking for the natural rhythm. Wednesday is my art day. This morning I went to the art group at the community center around the corner and did a lousy landscape from a demo it a book. I can never think what to do when I go.
The session last for two hours and we stop for a cup of tea and a biscuit at eleven o'clock.

I really must go to the gym this week I haven't been this year yet. The snow is about gone so I may make it tomorrow.

Thursday 5 February 2009

This Duck portrait is acrylic on canvas. The interference paint I used on duck
really catches the light.

A mixed media painting I did of Duck at the end of last year. The infant in the photo
is my mother circa 1933.